Ancient Lao Tzu's Life Lessons People Should Learn In Their Life

Ancient Lao Tzu’s Life Lessons People Should Learn In Their Life

We Have Collected These Life Lessons Quotes From Lao Tzu’s Which Reflect The Wisdom Of Chinese Philosophy And In Our Opinion Will Become Immortal Rules For Many Generations Teaching People To Take The Right Path In Life.

  • When I Free Myself From Who I Am, I Become Who I Can Be.
  • Success Is As Dangerous As Failure. Hope Is As Hollow As Fear.
  • Never Say ‘Never’ Because The Days Go By So Fast And Nothing Stays The Same.
  • The One Who Knows And Pretends Not To Know Is On Top. Who, Without Knowledge, Pretends To Be Knowledgeable, He Is Sick.
  • He Who Is Satisfied With His Lot Is Rich.
  • True Words Are Not Pleasant, Pleasant Words Are Not True.
  • A Man Dies Easily Because He Has Too Much Will To Live.
  • Soft And Weak Winds Over Hard And Strong.
  • Life Is A Series Of Natural And Spontaneous Changes. Don’t Resist Them, Which Only Creates Sorrow. Let Reality Be Reality. Let Things Flow Naturally Forward In Whatever Way They Like.
  • Be Attentive To Your Thoughts, They Are The Beginning Of Actions.
  • The Snow Goose Needs Not Bathe To Make Itself White, Neither Need You Do Anything But Be Yourself.
  • Be Bent And You Will Stay Straight, Be Empty And You Will Remain Complete, Be Worn Out And You Will Stay New.
  • People Of Higher Morality Do Not Consider Themselves Moral, Therefore They Have The Highest Morality.
  • By Remaining True To Yourself Without Seeking To Compare And Compete, You Will Achieve Universal Respect.
  • If You Aren’t Afraid Of Dying, There Is Nothing You Can’t Achieve.
  • Sometimes You Must Yield In Order To Win And Sometimes Maintaining A Low Place Leads You To Win.
  • A Great Man Clings To The Essential And Leaves The Insignificant, He Does Everything In Truth But He Will Never Rely On Laws.
  • Health Is The Greatest Possession, Contentment Is The Greatest Treasure, And Confidence Is The Greatest Friend.
  • The Whole Being Knows Without Learning, Sees Without Looking And Attains Without Doing.
  • You Are Controlled By The One Who Makes You Angry.
  • Whoever Talks A Lot Often Fails.
  • Watch Your Thoughts, They Become Your Words. Watch Your Words, They Become Your Actions. Watch Your Actions, They Become Your Habits. Watch Your Habits, They Become Your Character. Watch Your Character, It Becomes Your Destiny.
  • The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step.
  • To Lead People Follow Them
  • If You Are Depressed You Are Living In The Past, If You Are Anxious You Are Living In The Future, If You Are At Peace You Are Living In The Present.
  • Rid Of The Desire To Have.
  • When I Let Go Of What I Am, I Become What I Might Be.
  • Live For The Praise Of Others And You Will Become Their Prisoner.
  • There Is Nothing Softer And More Flexible Than Water But Try To Resist It.
  • The Wise Man Avoids All Extremes.
  • When People Know A Lot, It Is Difficult To Manage Them.
  • Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished.
  • Man Dies From Birth.
  • Knowledge Is The Treasure And Practice Is The Key To It.
  • Who Knows, Doesn’t Say. Who Speaks, Doesn’t Know.
  • Victory Over Others Gives Strength, Victory Over Oneself Gives Fearlessness.
  • Do Not Seek, Otherwise You Will Lose. Do Not Seek And You Will Find.
  • Time Is A Created Thing, To Say “I Don’t Have Time” Is Like Saying, “I Don’t Want To”.
  • Fill Your Bowl To The Brim And It Will Spill, Keep Sharpening Your Knife And It Will Be Blunt.
  • Care About What Other People Think And You Will Always Be Their Prisoner.
  • Even A Loss Can Turn Into A Profit Or Profit Can Turn Into A Loss.
  • There Is No Crime Greater Than Having Too Many Desires. There Is No Disaster Greater Than Not Being Content, There Is No Misfortune Greater Than Being Covetous.
  • You Can Always Rise Above Those Who Offend You By Forgiving Them.
  • The Truth Is Not Always Beautiful Nor Are Beautiful Words The Truth.
  • Be Content With What You Have, Rejoice In The Way Things Are, When You Realize There Is Nothing Lacking The Whole World Belongs To You.
  • We Gain By Losing, Lose By Gaining.
  • Temperance Is The First Step Of Virtue Which Is The Beginning Of Moral Perfection.
  • The Wise Man Is One Who Knows What He Does Not Know.
  • If You Lack Faith Then Existence Does Not Believe In You.
  • What The Caterpillar Calls The End, The Rest Of The World Calls A Butterfly.
  • I Have Just Three Things To Teach: Simplicity, Patience And Compassion. These Three Are Your Greatest Treasures.
  • Being Deeply Loved By Someone Gives You Strength While Loving Someone Deeply Gives You Courage.
  • New Beginnings Are Disguised As Painful Endings.
  • So The Unwilling Soul Sees What’s Hidden And The Ever-Wanting Soul Sees Only What It Wants.
  • A Sage Who Wants To Be Above People Puts Himself Below Them, Wanting To Be Ahead Of Them, He Becomes Behind.
  • What Is A Good Man But A Bad Man’s Teacher? What Is A Bad Man But A Good Man’s Job?
  • If You Are Alone For A Long Time, Soon You Will Accept Loneliness, You Will Never Know You’re Potential If You Are Afraid To Be Alone.
  • Because One Believes In Oneself, One Doesn’t Try To Convince Others. Because One Is Content With Oneself, One Doesn’t Need Others Approval. Because One Accepts Oneself, The Whole World Accepts Him Or Her.
  • A Man With Outward Courage Dares To Die, A Man With Inner Courage Dares To Live.
  • Whoever Undertaking A Business, Hurries Too Quickly To Achieve A Result Will Do Nothing. He Who Carefully Finishes His Work As He Began Will Not Fail.
  • When True Virtue Is Lost, Good Nature Appears. When Good Nature Is Lost, Justice Appears. When Justice Is Lost, Decency Appears. The Rules Of Decency Are Only The Semblance Of Truth And The Beginning Of All Disorder.
  • To Recognize Your Insignificance Is Empowering.
  • He Who Knows The Measure Is Satisfied With His Position.

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