Martin Luther King Jr. Most Inspirational Quotes Of All Times


Martin Luther King Jr. An Influential Figure In The Civil Rights Movement, Who Was Born In Atlanta, Georgia On January 15, 1929. He Was Known For His Stirring Orations And Peaceful Demonstrations Against Racism And Discrimination. His Most Renowned Speech, “I Have A Dream” Was Presented During The 1963 March On Washington. His Work In The Pursuit Of Justice And Equality Earned Him The Nobel Peace Prize In 1964, And His Legacy Continues To Be A Source Of Inspiration For People Around The Globe To Combat Social Inequity.

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     “Unlock Your Potential” And Create A Global Impact By Reading These 25 Most Inspirational Quotes Of All Time By Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness; Only Light Can Do That. Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate; Only Love Can Do That.
  • Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere.
  • I Have Decided To Stick With Love. Hate Is Too Great A Burden To Bear.
  • Faith Is Taking The First Step Even When You Don’t See The Whole Staircase.
  • Forgiveness Is Not An Occasional Act; It Is A Constant Attitude.
  • Life’s Most Persistent And Urgent Question Is, ‘What Are You Doing For Others.
  • Nothing In The World Is More Dangerous Than Sincere Ignorance And Conscientious Stupidity.
  • We Must Accept Finite Disappointment, But Never Lose Infinite Hope.
  • We May Have All Come On Different Ships, But We’re In The Same Boat Now.
  • The Ultimate Measure Of A Man Is Not Where He Stands In Moments Of Comfort And Convenience, But Where He Stands At Times Of Challenge And Controversy.
  • Love Is The Only Force Capable Of Transforming An Enemy Into Friend.
  • There Comes A Time When One Must Take A Position That Is Neither Safe, Nor Politic, Nor Popular, But He Must Take It Because Conscience Tells Him It Is Right.
  • Let No Man Pull You So Low As To Hate Him.
  • If You Can’t Fly Then Run, If You Can’t Run Then Walk, If You Can’t Walk Then Crawl, But Whatever You Do You Have To Keep Moving Forward.

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  • Be A Bush If You Can’t Be A Tree. If You Can’t Be A Highway, Just Be A Trail. If You Can’t Be A Sun, Be A Star. For It Isn’t By Size That You Win Or Fail. Be The Best Of Whatever You Are.
  • For When People Get Caught Up With That Which Is Right And They Are Willing To Sacrifice For It, There Is No Stopping Point Short Of Victory.
  • I Believe That Unarmed Truth And Unconditional Love Will Have The Final Word In Reality. This Is Why Right, Temporarily Defeated, Is Stronger Than Evil Triumphant.
  • There Is Nothing More Tragic Than To Find An Individual Bogged Down In The Length Of Life, Devoid Of Breadth.
  • Shallow Understanding From People Of Good Will Is More Frustrating Than Absolute Misunderstanding From People Of Ill Will.
  • Man Must Evolve For All Human Conflict A Method Which Rejects Revenge, Aggression And Retaliation. The Foundation Of Such A Method Is Love.
  • We Must Build Dikes Of Courage To Hold Back The Flood Of Fear.
  • Even Though We Face The Difficulties Of Today And Tomorrow, I Still Have A Dream.
  • We Must Learn To Live Together As Brothers Or Perish Together As Fools.
  • Freedom Is Never Voluntarily Given By The Oppressor; It Must Be Demanded By The Oppressed.

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