Best Quotes About Life
  • Be Proud, You Survived The Days You Thought You Couldn’t.
  • If Nobody Helps You-Do It Alone.
  • If You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get.
  • Don’t Trust Words. Trust Actions.
  • No Matter How Smart, Successful And Good-Looking You Are, Nobody Likes Arrogance. Humility Is Everything.
  • Never Say Maybe If You Want To Say No.
  • Stay Strong, Even When Things Begin To Fall Apart, Stay Strong.
  • We Suffer More In Imagination Than In Reality.
  • Control Your Thoughts Or Your Thoughts Will Control You.
  • You’ll Learn Nothing from Life If You Think You’re Right All the Time.

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  • First, It Hurts, Then It Makes You Stronger.
  • Life Is Short, Live It. Love Is Rare, Grab It. Anger Is Bad, Dump It. Fear Is Awful, Face It. Memories Are Sweet, Cherish Them.
  • As Long As You Are Alive, No Obstacle Is Permanent.
  • Be Yourself, People Don’t Have To Like You And You Don’t Have To Care.
  • Don’t Over Share-Privacy Is Power.
  • Learn To Say ‘No’ Without Explaining Yourself.
  • If You Are Not Falling Down Occasionally, You Are Just Coasting.
  • When You Are Angry, Stay Silent.
  • The Best Way To Respect Yourself Is To Discipline Yourself.
  • Do Your Best And Trust The Process. The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Will Get.

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  • Be Loyal Or Stay Single, That’s Simple.
  • If Someone Is Trying To Bring You Down, They Are Already Below You.
  • Time Always Exposes What You Truly Mean To Someone.
  • Stress Is Temporary, But The Lessons You Learn From It Can Last A Lifetime.
  • To Avoid Disappointment, Expect Nothing From Nobody.
  • What Other People Think Of You Is None Of Your Business.
  • Stay Away From People Who Make You Feel Lonely. No Company Is Better Than A Bad Company.
  • Sometimes, The Things That Break Your Heart End Up Fixing Your Vision.
  • Focus On You, People Come And Go.
  • If You Don’t Control Your Mind, Someone Else Will.

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  • Loneliness Is The Price You Pay When You Start To Improve Yourself.
  • Not Everyone Will Like You, That’s Life.
  • Stop Telling People Everything. Most People Don’t Care And Some Secretly Want You To Fail.
  • Be Kind, But Don’t Let People Use You.
  • It Is Better To Be Hated For What You Are Than To Be Loved For Something You Are Not.
  • Don’t Go Broke Trying To Impress Broke People.
  • Make Peace With Your Past So It Won’t Screw Up The Present.
  • Don’t Compare Your Life To Others. You Have No Idea What Their Journey Is All About?
  • Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid People.
  • No One Is Going To Figure Out Your Life. It’s Your Responsibility.

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  • Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn.
  • Take Your Financial Life Seriously. Money Is A Defense To A Lot Of Challenges.
  • Be Selfish With Your Time. A Lot Of People Don’t Deserve It.
  • You Can’t Go Back And Change The Beginning, But You Can Start Where You Are And Change The Ending.
  • Being Alone Gives Us An Opportunity To Reconnect With Ourselves.
  • Sometimes You Need To Stop Seeing The Good In People And Start Seeing What They Show You.
  • Don’t Pretend To Be Better Than You Are. Live Life At Your Own Pace.
  • Life Is Too Short To Waste Time Hating Anyone.
  • Your Deepest, Darkest Moment May Be The Best Thing That Ever Happens To You.
  • Envy Is A Waste Of Time. You Already Have All You Need.

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  • Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.
  • If You Tell The Truth, You Don’t Have To Remember Anything.
  • Life Isn’t Fair, But It’s Still Good.
  • He Who Is Not Courageous Enough To Take Risks Will Accomplish Nothing In Life.
  • Do Yourself A Favor, Get Rich, Life Gets Easier With Money, Not Time?
  • If You Can Survive Your Own Thoughts, You Can Survive Anything.
  • If They Don’t Appreciate You, They Don’t Deserve You.
  • Learn To Heal Without Venting To Everyone.
  • Everything Comes To You At The Right Time, Be Patient And Trust The Process.
  • Failure Is A Bruise, Not A Tattoo.

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  • Avoid Gossip At All Costs. It’s Poison To Your Mind.
  • The Root Of All Suffering Is Attachment.
  • Money Isn’t Everything In Life, But It Can Help You Solve A Lot Of Problems.
  • Don’t Regret Having A Good Heart, All Good Things Come Back And Multiply.
  • Don’t Feel Guilty For Doing What’s Best For You.
  • Choose Your Friends Wisely. The Fastest Way To Become Better Is To Surround Yourself With Better People.
  • Expect Nothing, Appreciate Everything. Be Grateful For The Little Things In Your Life To Find Inner Peace.
  • Never Take Anything Personally. What Others Say And Do Is A Projection Of Their Own Reality.
  • Be Forgiving. Be Understanding, But Do Not Be A Fool.
  • When Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them The First Time.

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  • Your Self-Respect Has To Be Stronger Than Your Feelings.
  • Don’t Let Success Go To Your Head, Don’t Let Failure Go To Your Heart.
  • If You Are A Giver, Remember To Learn Your Limits Because The Takers Don’t Have Any.
  • Don’t Waste Your Time With Explanations, People Only Hear What They Want To Hear?
  • Except Criticism, But Never Accept Disrespect.
  • Never Give Up On Something You Really Want. It’s Difficult To Wait, But It’s More Difficult To Regret.
  • You Have Three Choices In Life. You Can Watch Things Happen, Make Things Happen Or Wonder What The Hell Happened.
  • You’re Being Judged No Matter What, So Be Who You Want To Be.
  • You Don’t Have To Win Every Argument. Agree To Disagree.
  • No Regrets, Just Lessons. No Worries, Just Acceptance. No Expectations, Just Gratitude. Life Is Too Short.

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  • The Calmer You Are, The Clearer You Think.
  • The More You Are Interested In Others, The More Interesting They Find You. To Be Interesting, Be Interested.
  • Hatred Is A Curse That Does Not Affect The Hated. It Only Poisons The Hater. Release A Grudge As If It Was Poison.
  • People Change, Love Hurts Friends Leave, Things Go Wrong, But Remember That Life Goes On.
  • Be A Good Person, But Don’t Waste Your Time Proving It.
  • Never Tell Your Friends Your Plans, Stop Putting Too Much Trust In Them. Don’t Let Anyone Know What You’re Doing Until It’s Done.
  • If You Want To Be Trusted, Be Honest.
  • The Only Person That Cares About Your Hopes And Dreams Is You. The Only Person That Is Going To Make Them Happen Is You.
  • Forget What Hurts You, But Never Forget What It Taught You.
  • Mastering Others Is Strength, Mastering Yourself Is True Power.

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  • Even The Nicest People Have Their Limits.
  • Your Direction Is More Important Than Your Speed.
  • Don’t Make A Permanent Decision Based On Temporary Emotions.
  • To Be The Best, You Must Be Able To Handle The Worst.
  • Stay Patient, The Best Things Happen Unexpectedly.
  • Never Regret A Day In Your Life, Good Days Give Happiness, Bad Days Give Experience, Worst Days Give Lessons And Best Days Give Memories.
  • Life Is A One-Time Offer, Use It Well.
  • Free Yourself From Society’s Advice, Most Of Them Have No Idea Of What They’re Doing.
  • The Family You Create Is More Important Than The Family You Come From.
  • Normalize Walking Some Paths Alone Because Goals Are Personal.

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