It Took Us 50 Years to Realize We Must Live by These Life Laws
  • Bad Habits Are Like A Comfortable Bed, Easy To Get Into But Hard To Get Out Of.
  • No Regrets, Just Do Better Next Time.
  • Remember, Some Things Have To End For Better Things To Begin.

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  • A Negative Mind Will Never Give You A Positive Life
  • Never Forget Who Helped You In A Difficult Time.
  • Better Days Are Coming, You Won’t Always Wake Up In The Morning With A Heavy Heart.
  • Sometimes We Create Our Own Heart Breaks Through Expectation.
  • Breathe, It’s Just A Bad Day Not A Bad Life. Things Will Get Better Just Wait.
  • We’ve Got To Do What’s Right For You, Even If It Hurts Some People You Love.
  • Trust Yourself You’ve Survived A Lot And You’ll Survive Whatever Is Coming.
  • Stop Telling People More Than They Need To Know.
  • Your Direction Is More Important Than Your Speed.
  • Never Fall In Love With The Same Person Twice Because The Second Time You Fall In Love With The Memories Not The Person.
  • Never Think Twice About Investments In Yourself, They Paid Dividends For A Long Time.
  • Your Heart Will Tell You Where To Go. Your Head Will Guide You There Safely Use One Without The Other And You’ll Get Lost.
  • Remember, 5 Years Ago You Dreamed About Being Where You Are Now, Think About It.
  • Just Be Real It Saves Everyone’s Time.
  • People Will Forget What You Said, People Will Forget What You Did, But People Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel.
  • Expect Nothing And You Will Never Get Disappointed.
  • Depend On Yourself Never On Others.
  • Don’t Let Anyone Ever Make You Feel Like You Don’t Deserve What You Want.
  • Even The Smallest Lie Can Break The Biggest Trust.
  • Your Strongest Muscle And Worst Enemy Is Your Mind, Train It Well.

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  • If You Can Make A Girl Laugh, You Can Make Her Do Anything.
  • Value Experience Over Possessions Because Memories Are The Real Treasures Of Life.
  • Someday, When Things Are Okay, You’ll Look Back And Feel Proud That You Didn’t Give Up.
  • Don’t Depend Too Much On Anyone In This World Because Even Your Own Shadow Leaves You When You Are In Darkness.
  • Work On You, For You.
  • The Truth Is, Everyone Is Going To Hurt You. You Just Got To Find The Ones Worth Suffering For.
  • Be Proud Of How Hard You Are Trying.
  • Don’t Look Back, You Are Not Going That Way.
  • Work At Your Job And Make A Living, Work On Yourself And Make A Fortune.
  • At Your Lowest, You Realize A Lot.
  • Remember, Some Of The Best Times Of Your Life Haven’t Even Happened Yet.
  • This Is Your World, Shape It Or Someone Else Will.
  • No One Is Too Busy, It’s Only A Matter Of Priorities.
  • If It Keeps You Happy, Keep It Quiet.
  • The Best Thing I Ever Did Was Stop Telling People What’s Going On In My Life.
  • Striving For Success Without Hard Work Is Like Trying To Harvest Where You Haven’t Planted.
  • Never Force, Don’t Beg And Don’t Chase.
  • Forgive Your Old Self, You’ve Changed.
  • If You Don’t Let Go Of The Wrong People, You’ll Never Meet The Right People.

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  • God Knows When To Send You Exactly What You Need.
  • There Will Always Be Someone Who Doesn’t See Your Worth, Don’t Let It Be You.
  • Seek Respect, Not Attention, It Lasts Longer.
  • Be Careful Who You Trust, Salt And Sugar Look The Same.
  • Time Always Exposes What You Truly Mean To Someone.
  • Life Will Separate You From Your Friends, So Appreciate Each Moment You Have Together.
  • Being Private, Staying Low-Key And Not Telling Everyone Everything Is Self-Care.
  • Money Is A Tool, Not The Goal. Freedom Is The Goal.
  • You Are Responsible For Your Own Happiness, If You Expect Others To Make You Happy, You Will Always Be Disappointed.
  • Do What No One Else Can Do And You Will Become, What No One Else Can Become.
  • Stay Calm, You’ve Been Through This Before, You’ll Get Through It Again.
  • If People Treat You Like An Option, Leave Them Like A Choice.
  • Accept What Is, Let Go Of What Was, Have Faith In What Will Be.
  • So Many People Love You, Don’t Focus On The People Who Don’t.
  • You Deserve It, The Career, The Love, The Family, The Peace And The Life.
  • Your Vision Will Be Blurry, But It Will Grow Clear With Time.
  • Patience Is Your Ally.
  • You Alone Are Enough, You Have Nothing To Prove To Anyone.
  • No Matter How Hard The Past, You Can Always Begin Again.
  • Sometimes You Have To Go Through The Worst To Get The Best.

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  • Be Alone Until You’re Valued.
  • Take Care Of Your Body, Remember Health Is Another Form Of Wealth.
  • Hard Times Will Always Reveal True Friends.
  • Don’t React, Cut Them Off Silently.
  • Someone Else’s Progress Doesn’t Make Yours Any Less.
  • Don’t Ever Let The Same People Disappoint You Twice.
  • Small Circle, Private Life And Peaceful Mind.
  • It’s Okay To Make Mistakes.  Mistakes Mean You’re Trying.
  • Use Things Not People, Love People Not Things.
  • Be Kind And Generous Without Expecting Anything In Return.
  • Embrace Solitude As A Time For Reflection And Self-Discovery.
  • Not Everyone You Trust Will Be Trustworthy.
  • Don’t Be Afraid To Express Vulnerability, It Shows Strength.
  • Learn To Handle Rejection Gracefully, It’s A Part Of Life.
  • We Have 4 Problems, Overthink, Over Trust, Over Share And Over Love.
  • You Will Be Disappointed In A Heartbroken Multiple Times But It’s How You Respond That Matters.
  • The Days That Break You Are The Days That Make You.
  • Make More Moves And Less Announcements.
  • Time Never Waits It Only Urges You To Catch Up Or Get Left Behind.
  • No Relationship Is Worth Damaging Your Mental Health.

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  • Being Too Nice Breaks You.
  • You Grow Mentally Weak When Your Life Is Too Comfortable.
  • Sometimes Loneliness Is The Price You Pay For Growth.
  • You Are Who You Are Nobody’s Approval Is Needed.
  • Learn From What People Do Not From What They Tell You.
  • Embrace Every Opportunity For Regrets Come From The Chances We Didn’t Take.
  • If You Can Dream It You Can Do It.
  • You Meet Every Single Person For A Reason.
  • Just Let It Be. If It’s Meant To Be, It Will Happen.
  • Your Past Was Never A Mistake If You Learned From It.
  • Once You Feel Free Someone Avoids You, Never Disturb Them Again.
  • Some Things Are Meant To Cross Your Way But Are Not Meant To Stay.
  • Perceived Failure As A Vulnerable Teacher And A Stepping Stone To Success.
  • Celebrate Small Victories And Milestones Because They Paved The Way For Bigger Achievements.
  • Whoever Brings You The Most Peace Should Get The Most Time.
  • Never Be Afraid To Treat People The Way They Treat You.
  • You Need To Stop The Habit Of Doubting Yourself.
  • You Can Tell More About A Person By What He Says About Others Than You Can By What Others Say About Him.
  • Don’t Share Your Personal Life With Anyone, Do Not Let Anyone Have Anything That Could Harm You.
  • Hard Work Doesn’t Always Pay Off. Learn To Stop In Time And Understand Whether You Have Turned Into A Slave.
  • Life Will Only Come Around Once So Do Whatever Makes You Happy.
  • Can’t Do Big Things You Are Distracted By Small Things.

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